
Thursday, 13 April 2017

Goldilocks and the 3 bears

Who:Baby bear

When:In Day time

1st person

It was a beautiful day to go outside, I woke up to the smell of Mama bear’s home made porridge. We lived in an cottage that was made out of wood and brick  I rushed and fell down the stairs because of that smell of Mama bears delicious porridge. When Mama bear was finished with the porridge we all had a taste, but Papa bear and I said it was too hot. So we all went to the forest to pick some berries to wait for our porridge to cool down and to give our porridge a bit more flavor.

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I woke up then I went down stairs and dad was following me to the kitchen for breakfast,but mum said it is not ready so we all went in the living room.When mum was making porridge in the kitchen so we can eat but it was to hot so we went to go for a walk in the forest so we can pick some berries for our porridge and make the porridge cool down.

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We found the berries and picked some from the bush. There were lots of them on the biggest bush then we picked some off it but they thought they should pick them all. They were almost done but there was more so they decided to pick and pick.  Halfway through the decided to pick some berries for 20 hours.

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When they were gone a mysterious girl called Goldilocks appeared.  When she was out picking flowers she saw a small cottage so she looked inside the window and there was no one inside the cottage so she opened the door and she saw 3 porridge bowls so she ate the big bowl first but it was too hot so she tried the medium bowl second but it was too cold so she tried the little bowl last and it was just right.

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She looked in the living room and there were three chairs so she sat on the big chair, but it was too uncomfortable so she tried the medium chair, but it was too soft but then she tried the small chair and it was just right, but the small chair that she sat on broke into little pieces and she tried to fix the chair but she could not fix it.

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Suddenly Me and Mum and Dad were all most to their cottage, Goldilocks went up stairs and there were three beds she tried the big bed it was too uncomfortable so she tried the second bed but it was too soft so she tried the small bed and it was just right.  When mum and dad and I were home we saw the porridge was eaten, chairs were sat on and broken and we went up stairs and saw Goldilocks in the bed.

When she woke up Mum and Dad and I scared the life out of her so she ran down stairs into the living room into the kitchen out in the woods and she never came back to mum and dad’s and my cottage ever again and she went back