Lightning never strikes twice, does it?
The four friends built a new windmill. But when they were working on the farm a huge storm came up and took out part of the farm. The storm was lurking around the corner so they used their new windmill as shelter. The storm came closer and closer until the storm came up and frightened them with a thunder that went BOOM!
The four friends were scared and afraid of the storm because they were thinking of getting hit but the thunder.They were huddled together in fear but when they saw the second thunderbolt they noticed they were huddling near a windmill. They hid inside and waited until they found pans.
They were banging and bashing them up.they were bangin until morning. The storm went past the windmill. It was a miracle it went past them, but there was a fire on the windmill. The friends couldn’t do anything to stop the fire. Little did they know they had a fire extinguisher. But it was too late. The fire has burned the windmill down. After the windmill burned down they rebuilt the windmill.