
Thursday 20 June 2019

Hiwi the kiwi

Did you know that people are letting the fish and the seagulls down by polluting the ocean with plastic. It’s bad for their health and they are all dying because of the pollution in the ocean. At Hiwi the Kiwi show we learned lots of lessons of fishing safety, plastic polluted oceans and other things but I chose 3 lessons I liked

Hiwi the kiwi taught us lessons about the kai moana (food from the sea) and we sang songs together. The three lessons I learned was when you catch the big or small fish you put them back into the ocean because if you catch small fish they have no chance to become bigger, and if you catch a big fish they don't get a chance to breed to make babies to make more fish

The second lesson I learned was to never throw plastic or the seagulls and other birds will mistake it for food. Some of the people checked in the seagull and saw plastic in it. This tells us we have to stop throwing our rubbish away because seagulls might mistake it for food.

The third lesson I learned was to use a wet towel when you catch a fish because if you don't you are peeling off the scales. Their scales are like sunscreen to us and  if you peel the scales they will die, a bit like if you rub sunscreen off of you get sunburnt so always use a wet towel to pick up your fish or else there will be no more fish to eat.

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