
Monday 17 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 activity 3 Day 1

For the activity three on the Summer learning Journey we had to make a google draw and make an ice ice baby and write some good stuff about it and write what it means. It means to keep you safe when you go to a very cold place


  1. Hey there Jayden, my name is Billy. I am from the Summer Learning Journey programme. Congratulations on making a positive start to your break.

    I am originally from Auckland but in June I moved to London, England. So I am currently writing to you from the other side of the world. Pretty cool, right?

    Thanks for completing this activity about staying safe online. Do you have any tips for people who are new to the internet? How might they stay safe online?
    I like to change my passwords often so people can't break into my accounts.

    Thanks, Billy.

  2. Greetings Jayden!
    I have decided to comment on your blog again. Your doing an amazing job and I hope it continues! Cyber smart helps you learn things from online.

    By Chavda
    Keep it up Jayden!

  3. Hello Jayden! Well done on actually writing about this activity in your footprint. How can you be smart online? Schools teach you this knowledge for help. Keep it up!

  4. Hello Jayden,

    My name is Araura and I am from Wesley Primary School.

    First of all congratulations on your amazing post.i love the tips that you have provided.It would have been great if you could have added a little more tips. Also it would have been great if you added a little more detail.

    Anyway keep up the amazing work.

    Blog you later Bye 😀


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